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作者:     来源:     发布日期:2017-11-09     浏览次数: 次


报告题目: Heat transport from large northern rivers to the Arctic Ocean

   人:Daqing Yang (杨大庆),加拿大环境与气候变化部,Research scientist



内容简介:Northern rivers transport large amount of freshwater and thermal/geochemistry fluxes to the polar ocean system. Many recent studies document significant variations and changes in discharge, water temperature, and geochemistry characteristics in the large arctic watersheds. Based on recent data analysis and literature review, this presentation aims to synthesize our knowledge of northern river freshwater and heat fluxes into the Arctic Ocean. It will describe the seasonal cycles of discharge, water temperature, and heat transport from the largest arctic rivers, i.e. the Lena, Yenisey, Ob, Mackenzie, and Yukon watersheds, and compare their main features across the pan-Arctic domain. It will also discuss basin specific results, such as statistical analyses and model simulations of historical changes in discharge and heat transport processes due to climate variation and human impact, particularly the effects of reservoir regulation. These topics and results are useful in understanding climatic and hydrologic linkages and land-ocean interactions, particularly large-scale analyses of heat and mass budgets of the Arctic Ocean.


Dr. Daqing Yang is a Research Scientist at the National Hydrology Research Centre (NHRC), Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC). He has extensive research experience (in China, Canada, USA, and Japan) in the areas of cold region/northern hydrology and climate, leading many NSF/NOAA/NASA/ECCC research projects of large-scale (watershed) hydrologic and climatic processes and their interactions with human impacts. He is also an expert in applications/validations of remote sensing data/products, observational methods/techniques, particularly snowfall and precipitation observations and dataset development/analyses in the northern regions. He is the associate editor for Journal of Hydrology and EGU’s Atmospheric Measurement Technique. He has edited/co-edited 3 IAHS Red Books on topics of cold region hydrology and water balance analyses.




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